Contacts Listing

The Architecture Foundation
Promotes a range of participatory approaches for contemporary architecture and urban design. Expertise in roadshows, competitions, electronic maps and participatory education programmes. Exhibitions and talks in shopfront gallery.

Has some of the UKs foremost experts on non-motorised transport infrastructure. Works on travel behaviour change and research, monitoring and evaluation, community-led street design, transport and its relation to health, education and carbon emissions. Low carbon projects give people the choice of traveling in ways that benefit their health and the environment. 

Chinese University of Hong Kong
Expertise in design fests.

American Institute of Architects
The Institutes Centre for Communities by Design promotes design assistance team (DAT) programmes. Has films, tapes, brochures and reports from US events. Supplies addresses of experienced team members and local and state support programmes.

Chuanshing Publishing Company
Publications and information. Useful regional contact point.

School of Planning and Housing
Teaching, training, research and knowledge-based services in planning and housing issues related to developing world. Main focus on best practice in conditions of rapid urbanisation.

Essex Sustainability Institute
Information on deliberative democracy and participatory governance methods.

Azerbaijan Civil Engineering University
Useful regional contact point

Baga Toiruu City Government
Useful regional contact point.

Ball State University
Urban design studio within a university setting. Experience of running charrettes, using mobile studios and producing newspaper supplements. Good website.

Community Enterprise Awards schemes

Centre for Development and Emergency Practice (CENDEP)
Postgraduate Masters programme. Expertise on community planning, in UK and developing countries. Research.

Business in the Community

Inspires, engages, supports and challenges companies to continually improve the impact they have on society and the environment through their responsible business programme, sometimes referred to as Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Its ProHelp group is a national UK network of over 800 professional firms committed to making a difference in their local community by providing free advice and professional support.

Centre for Disaster Preparedness
Training courses on community-based urban and rural planning focusing on disaster prevention. Publications and consultancy.

Communio Kommunikations - und Konfliktberatung
Communications consultancy promoting and implementing co-operation and participation techniques to overcome conflict.

Building Exploratory
Architecture centre which pioneered innovatory display techniques. 

Community Links
Social action and training network promoting good practice in community work. Useful publications.

Community Matters
Stands for the collective action of ordinary people within their neighbourhood through inclusive, locally-rooted and accountable community organisations. Represents the largest network of grassroots community organisations (1,200) in the UK. Provides comprehensive expert advice and legal services on all aspects of running a community organisation. (See Websites A-Z for online network with same name.)

Nick Wates Associates
Publishers of this website.

Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Charitable Foundation which has supported many research projects on the effectiveness of community engagement. Valuable website.

Community Technical Aid Centre
Local community technical aid centre. Also a contact point for national Association of Community Technical Aid Centres.

Nonprofit US environmental education organisation focusing on building sustainable communities. Aims to build public understanding of, and support for, programmes, policies and practices that are environmentally, economically and socially sound. Manages Sustainable Communities Online.

Congress for the New Urbanism
Influential movement for humanising the built environment based on the organisation of charrettes, congresses and task forces.

The Countryside Agency
Information and training on innovative ways of involving people in improving the countryside including village design statements and community forests.

Development Alternatives Group
Training, consultancy and publications on participatory urban and rural development.

Department for International Development
UK government department focusing on helping developing countries eliminate poverty.

Deutsche Institut fur Urbanistik
German Institute of Urban Affairs. Expertise in community planning in Germany. Offices in Berlin and Cologne.

Development Planning Unit
International centre for research, teaching, training and consultancy focusing on Asia, Africa and Latin America.

Development Trusts Association DTA
Former national UK umbrella organisation for community-based development organisations. Now merged into Locality (see separate entry).

Directory of Social Change
Publishes a range of useful fundraising and other directories, aimed at the voluntary sector.

Drought Preparedness Intervention and Recovery Programme (DPIRP)
Information on how to integrate community-based livelihood monitoring into local and national development and disaster planning.

Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community Program
US Presidential initiative to empower local communities.

Homes and Communities Agency
National housing and regeneration delivery agency for England, whose role is to create thriving communities and affordable homes.

Environmental Design Research Association
International association promoting advancement and dissemination of environmental design research.

Environmental Partnership for Central Europe - Nadaci Partnerstvi
Supports NGOs, municipalities and other partners in their environmental care, promotion of sustainable development, inter-sector cooperation and participation of citizens in public affairs. Also known as The Czech Environmental Partnership Foundation.

Environmental Trainers Network
Runs training programmes on participatory approaches.

European LEADER Gateway
Information on rural community-led local development in the European Union.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Independent US disaster agency. Mission is to ensure that people work together to build, sustain and improve the ability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from and mitigate all hazards. 

Filipinos for Community Involvement
Useful regional contact point.

Foros Técnicos Ltda
Useful regional contact point. Consulting firm involved in creation of NGOs, strategic alliances around projects of national Interest, strategic and scenario planning.

Forum for the Future
Partnership of independent experts committed to building a sustainable way of life. Has directory of over 500 sustainable rural initiatives.

Free Form Arts Trust
Charity specialising in community arts. Maintains register of artists with skills relevant to the built environment. Runs training courses.

Future Search Network
Network of future search practitioners. Supplies publications, videos, local practitioner contacts.

Georgian Technical University
Association of Urbanists of Georgia. Useful regional contact point.

UK network of local trusts working through partnership to improve the quality of life in deprived areas. Sister organisations in Japan and USA. Useful publications and videos.

Habitat Budapest Office
Useful regional contact point.

Habitat International Coalition
Global forum for NGOs concerned with human settlements. Secretariat revolves so check website for latest information.

The Building Exploratory
Architecture centre developing innovatory display techniques.

Hertfordshire County Council
Experience of using future search to develop whole settlement strategies.

Government department for housing and urban development, USA. Information and publications.

Imagine Chicago
Innovative project helping people develop their imagination as city creators, based on future search and appreciative inquiry methods. Resource materials available.

Institute of Cultural Affairs
Global network of private, non-profit organisations concerned with the human factor in world development. Runs courses based on its Technology of Participation (ToP) methodology.

Institute of Development Studies, Brighton
Global charity for international development research, teaching and communications. Hosts research teams, postgraduate courses and a family of knowledge services. 

The Partnering Initiative
Dedicated to driving widespread, systematic and effective collaboration between civil society, government and companies towards a sustainable future. Provides organisational development services and training and capacity building. 

Practical Action
Works alongside communities to find practical solutions to poverty. Publishes material on all aspects of development and appropriate technology including community participation.

The International Association of Public Participation Practitioners
Non-profit corporation aiming to allow practitioners throughout the world to exchange good practice.

International Institute for Environment and Development
Independent organisation promoting sustainable world development. Its Resource Centre for Participatory Learning and Action has over 2000 documents covering most participatory approaches, focusing primarily on Africa, Asia and South America.

Isabelle Val de Flor
Architect and urbanist promoting community participation and ecology. Useful regional contact.

Design Council
Mission is to bring the transformative power of design to things that matter. Provides support for neighbourhood planning. Merged with CABE in 2011. Enterprising charity.

Kala Karthikeyan, Community Educator
Useful regional contact point.

Kobe University
Research and practical experience in community architecture and planning in Japan including disaster reconstruction.

Taipei City Urban Regeneration Office (URO)
Emphasizes the importance of innovative planning, efficiency in amending regulations, and monitoring construction quality. Focuses on cooperation between government and the public, and gathers all the ideas and resources to make infinite possibilities in the city. Hopes to make Taipei a city that is attractive and vibrant while enriching quality of life in the living environment.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Academic and practical expertise in many countries. Useful publications.

MATCH (MAnaging The CHange)
see Von Zadow

Max Lock Centre
Research unit based on the civic diagnosis and participatory ideals of the Max Lock Group, supplemented with the archives of John Turner.

Medvode Community
Useful regional contact point.

METREX - The Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas
Exchanges information and practice on spatial planning and development.

British Urban Regeneration Association (BURA)
Former forum for the exchange of ideas, experience and solutions within regeneration. Membership organisation championing regeneration. Promoted collaborative processes including ReInvigorate.

Mount Wise Action Planning
Active local group. Supply video and report on action planning.

Murdoch University
Useful research and publications.

National Tenants Resource Centre
Training centre for tenants and other community organisations.

Neighbourhood Initiatives Foundation
See Planning for Real Unit below.

Neighbourhood Planning for Community Revitalisation
University project providing technical assistance and applied research to local community-based organisations.

New Economics Foundation (NEF)
Think tank promoting social, economic and environmental justice. Promotes community visioning, indicators, community finance and social audit. Coordinates UK Participation Network.

Nishikawa Tetsuya
Experience of community-based development, planning and design.

North Carolina State University
Expertise in participatory design. Great publications available.

North-South Research Network
Internet-based network of institutions based in the UK involved in human settlements research in the developing world. Includes this handbook with update information and feedback facilities. Hosted by Centre for Environment & Human Settlements, Edinburgh, Scotland (see separate entry).

Novosibirsk State Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts
Useful regional contact point.

OKO-Stadt - Universite de Dortmund
Private office dealing with model projects and research on urban and spatial ecology.

Open Society Fund
Useful regional contact point.

Participatory Avenues
Promotes Participatory 3-D Modeling (P3DM) for merging indigenous technical knowledge and traditional spatial information. Focal point for sharing information on community-based mapping and Public Participation GIS (PPGIS). Excellent website with processes explained and illustrated.

Permaculture Association
Can provide details of Permaculture design courses and local contacts.

Places for People
Network of the UK National Association for Urban Studies. Publishes Streetwise magazine and useful newsletter.

Planners Network
Association of progressive planners. Useful publications, papers, contacts.

Planning Aid
Offers free, independent and professional advice on planning to individuals and community groups in England who cannot afford to pay for a consultant. Has regional network of voluinteer professional planners covering whole country. Government funded. Useful website.

Specialists in online consultations. Developed award winning Open Debate method to engage the community and stakeholders in planning. Has run online consultations for major infrastructure projects including renewable energy schemes. 

Commission Nationale du débat public CNDP
Organises consultation and dialogue on major projects in France. 

Centre for Environment and Human Settlements
Teaching, training, research in planning and housing issues related to developing world. Main focus on best practice in conditions of rapid urbanisation. 

Post-war Reconstruction and Development Unit
Community planning expertise in post-war situations.

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The Prince\'s Foundation
Unites and extends HRH The Prince of Wales\'s initiatives in architecture, building and urban regeneration. Encourages a more holistic and humane approach to the planning and design of communities.

Public Participation Campaign
Campaign by European non-governmental organisations for transparency and participation in decision-making on the environment. Publishes newsletter, Participate (see separate entry).

Newletter for the Public Participation Campaign.

Rajyoga Education and Research Foundation National Coordinating Office
Useful regional contact point.

Royal Institute of British Architects
Runs Architects in Schools programme. Can supply a Schedule of Services for Community Architecture. Clients Advisory Service provides lists of local community architects. Bookshop and library have useful publications.

Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)
Promotes public participation in planning through education for sustainable development, awards schemes, publications and Planning Aid (see separate entry). Managed a Community Planning Project for several years which helped develop this website.

Rural Development Network & RuralNet
Provides support for grass-roots rural development organisations. See also InfoRurale

National Rural
Online information exchange for UK rural organisations. 

Samara State Academy of Architecture and Engineering
Useful regional contact point.

Wendy Sarkissian
Experienced practitioner and academic. International presentations. Useful regional contact. 

Sheep Network
Expertise in community architecture and planning. Regional contact.

Shelter Forum
Coalition of NGOs in East Africa with research and training programmes about community involvement in urban upgrading.

Shoevegas Arts and Media
Multimedia group. Experience with creating electronic maps.

Society for Development Studies
Research, training and consultancy institution. Useful regional contact point.

Sofia University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
Useful regional contact point.

SOFTECH Energie, Tecnologia, Ambiente
Consultancy integrating technology, economy, public administration and citizen participation in regeneration.

South Bank University
Community-based disaster management research. Courses on tenant participation.

Sustainable Strategies & Solutions, Inc.
Helps public, private and civic organizations achieve their individual and shared objectives through incorporation of sustainable development theory and practice.

Tallinn College of Engineering
Useful regional contact point.

Tenants Participatory Advisory Service
Provides information, advice, training, consultancy, seminars and conferences on involving tenants in their housing management.

Tirana Polytechnical University
Useful regional contact point.

Tokyo La-Npo
Supports local community planning activity in Japan.

Town & Country Planning Association
Campaign group for reforming the planning system. Useful publications.

United Nations Development Programme, Turkey
Useful regional contact point.

The UKs leading network for settlements, development trusts, social action centres and community enterprises. Lead partner of the Building Community consortium which supports communities and neighbourhoods in planning. Useful publications, training and information exchange.

European Environmental Bureau (EEB)
Federation of environmental citizens organisations with over 140 members. Campaigns for environmental justice, sustainable development and participatory democracy. 

The Conservation Volunteers
Helps people reclaim local green places. Runs training programmes on participatory approaches. 

The United Nations Human Settlements Programme, UN-HABITAT, is the United Nations agency for human settlements. It is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities with the goal of providing adequate shelter for all. Website includes many useful resources and contact details of regional offices.

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Urban Design Group
National voluntary organisation that helps set urban design agenda. Register of experienced professionals and good practice guidance on website.

UK-based publisher of books on sustainable development including a Tools for Community Planning suite.

America Speaks
Engages citizens in the public decisions that impact their lives. Developing national infrastructure for democratic deliberation that institutionalises the links between decision-makers and citizens in determining public policy. Organisers of \'21st Century Town Meeting\' programme

Civic Practices Network (CPN)
A collaborative and nonpartisan project dedicated to bringing practical tools for public problem solving into community and institutional settings across America

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Urbanpol - Advisory Service
URBANPOL is a network of experts who specialize in community development and regional planning. Aim to be the link between private investment and community interests. Working in accordance with IFC performance standards on social and environmental sustainability, our advisory service focuses on CSR projects esp. in the energy and extractive industries. We provide proposals, concepts and plans to implement green development partnerships by linking strategic community investment and renewable energy supply for sustainable development.

Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE)
Provides advice and support to local authorities and community groups on the planning, design and management of buildings and spaces. Free publications and web resources available.

Community Development Foundation
Promotes and improves work that strengthens communities. Useful publications and website.

The Glass-House Community Led Design
Independent UK national charity supporting and promoting public participation and leadership in the design of the built environment. Offers advice, training and hands-on support to community groups and organisations, housing associations, developers, local authorities and other stakeholders, to help them work more effectively together to create better quality places and spaces.

Department for Communities and Local Government
UK government department responsible for housing, local government, regeneration, planning and urban and regional issues.

International Centre for Participation Studies
Academic and applied research unit in the field of participatory politics.

Exists to put people at the heart of decision-making. Believes public participation can help solve some of our most pressing challenges and lead to the genuine empowerment of people. Core activities include: influencing decision makers, new thinking, better practice and networking.

Living Streets
UK charity that stands up for pedestrians. Campaigns to create safe, attractive and enjoyable streets where people want to walk.

National Association of Planning Councils (NAPC)
Private, non-profit USA organization which â??promotes quality community planning and supports its members as they provide leadership for community-based human services and health planning and actionâ??.

National Coalition for Dialogue and Deliberation (NCDD)
Brings together and supports people, organizations, and resources in ways that expand the power of discussion to benefit society.

Project for Public Spaces (PPS)
A nonprofit organization dedicated to creating and sustaining public places that build stronger communities. Its Placemaking approach helps people transform their public spaces into vital places that highlight local assets, spur rejuvenation and serve common needs. 

Sustainable Development Commission
Former UK governments independent advisory body on sustainable development. Website now an archive.

Ketso Ltd
Company establed to develop and promote Ketso, a hands-on kit that enables people to think and work together better. Rents and sells kits and manages website with additional resources.  

Canadian Institute of community engagement. Aims to "help communities take ownership of local issues by making use of proven strategies for community engagement".

Young Foundation
Devoted to social innovation and finding and developing new and better ways of meeting pressing unmet needs. Founded in 2005, formed from the merger of the Institute of Community Studies and the Mutual Aid Centre.

Midlands Architecture and the Designed Environment(MADE)
Architecture centre for the UK's West Midlands Region. Delivers a wide range of partnership projects which engage people with design and planning processes in urban, suburban and rural areas.

Removing Unfreedoms Design Associates
International consultancy with specialist focus on urban governance and the multi-cultural diversity of human settlements. Activities aim to spur dynamic relationships between key formal and informal urban cultures.

Homes and Communities Agency Academy
A national and international centre of excellence for the skills and knowledge needed to create strong, prosperous communities. Formerly the Academy for Sustainable Communities

International Association for Public Participation (IAP2)
Helps organizations and communities around the world improve their decisions by involving those people who are affected by those decisions. Many resources on website.

Oxford Brookes University
Degree, post-graduate and short courses in planning and urban design

Association for Community Design
International network of individuals, organisations and institutions committed to increasing the capacity of design and planning professionals to better serve communities. Based on US community design centres.

Academy of Urbanism (AoU)
High level, cross-sector group of individuals from a wide range of disciplines, brought together to champion the cause of good quality urbanism throughout Great Britain and Ireland.

Yale Urban Design Workshop
Well established urban design studio at Yale University working with surrounding communities.

Building and Social Housing Foundation (BSHF)
Independent research organisation that promotes sustainable development and innovation in housing through collaborative research and knowledge transfer. Good website with case studies from all over the world. 

International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA)
Forum for advancing innovation, development, and best practice in impact assessment. International membership promotes development of local and global capacity for the application of environmental, social, health and other forms of assessment in which sound science and full public participation provide a foundation for equitable and sustainable development. Membership only access to most website resources.

IS Maatwerk
Collective of urban planners and architects, participation and communication specialists committed to bridging the gap between the (local) body politic, (commercial) developers and citizens through Community Planning and other participatory processes. Aims at a high-quality urban environment, empowerment of local communities and balancing the interests of communities, political representatives, decision makers and commercial developers.

American Planning Association
Professional association organized to advance the art and science of planning and to foster the activity of planning. Good range of publications related to community planning.

Orton Family Foundation
Works to build vibrant and enduring communities. Helps small cities and towns articulate, implement and steward their heart and soul assets so that they can adapt to change while enhancing the attributes they value most. Promotes inclusive, proactive decision-making and land use planning by providing guidance, tools, research, capital and other support to citizens and leaders.

Association DIALOG
Non profit organisation developing new practices in citizen involvement to improve the relationships between human beings and the environment.

National Charrette Institute (NCI) (USA)
Non-profit educational institution which teaches ?the transformative process of Dynamic Planning to create healthy community plans?. Website contains explanations, toolkits and other resources for planning and running charrettes.

Natural England

Government agency charged with conserving and enhancing the natural environment. Incorporates the former Countryside Agency. Information and training on innovative ways of involving people in improving the countryside including village and town design statements, market town healthchecks and community forests. Useful website. 


Energy Saving Trust (EST)
Non-profit organisation that provides free and impartial advice on how to stop wasting energy. Useful website for anyone interested in saving money and reducing energy consumption. Comprehensive and clear information on insulation and heating, renewable energy, recommended products and funding from grants. EST is a non-profit organisation, funded both by the Government and the private sector.

Planning for Real Unit
Provides support and training for those wanting to use Planning for Real. Part of the Accord Group.

Civic Voice
National charity for the civic movement in England. Makes places more attractive, enjoyable and distinctive. Promotes civic pride. Created after the demise of the Civic Trust.

Department for Transport
UK government department responsible for transport. Stated objective is to oversee the delivery of a reliable, safe and secure transport system that responds efficiently to the needs of individuals and business whilst safeguarding the environment.

National Trust
Charity which owns historic properties and land and makes them open for the public to visit. Also campaigns on rural planning and sustainability issues including food. 

Passive House Trust

independent, non-profit organisation providing leadership in the UK for the adoption of the Passivhaus low energy, design standard for new buildings. 

Institute of Architecture and Town Planning
Expertise in public participation in urban planning.

Soil Association
Campaigning membership charity promoting planet-friendly food and farming. Working to develop new models of sustainable and resilient food systems.

Article 25
UK registered charity that designs and delivers architectural solutions for those in greatest need worldwide. Strong emphasis on community participation and participatory design.

Ekopolis Foundation
Foundation which runs a number of environmental and community based programmes in Slovakia to achieve its vision of an advanced civil society with citizents realising their responsibility for societal development and environmental issues. 

Sorrell Foundation
Inspires creativity in young people and improves quality of life through good design. Creates and prototypes new ideas and develops models that can be widely used.

Academy for Sustainable Communities
See entry for Homes and Communities Agency Academy

Zacchaeus 2000 Trust (Z2K)
Charity fighting the causes of poverty and helping households in extreme poverty in the UK to access the justice system when they face claims by statutory authorities and court proceedings. See website for links to a Housing Review which includes pioneering work on affordable housing and the credit crunch led by Professor Peter Ambrose.

Scottish Community Development Centre
Charity with its activities based in Scotland. Website has useful resources on community engagement and community planning in Scotland.

Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE)
National English umbrella of the Rural Community Action Network (RCAN), which operates at national, regional and local level in support of rural communities across the country. Promotes community led planning including parish plans.

The Eden Project
Educational charity and social enterprise based in a disused clay mine which has been spectacularly transformed into a rich, global garden where people can learn about nature and get inspiration about the world around them. Partner of the Building Community consortium which supports communities and neighbourhoods in planning in England.

Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE)
Promotes the beauty, tranquillity and diversity of rural England by encouraging the sustainable use of land and other natural resources in town and country. A provider of support to communities and neighbourhoods in planning.

Place Lab Community Interest Company
Developer of neighbourhood profiling and international sustainability analysis tool. 

Local Trust
Runs Big Local, a £200 million community based programme funded by the Big Lottery to help local residents make a massive and lasting difference to their communities in England. Company limited by guarantee and a charity.  

Consultation Institute
Training and information resource in fields of consultation and public engagement. Promotes high standards of practice.

Confederation of Co-operative Housing CCH
UK organisation for housing co-operatives, tenant-controlled housing organisations and regional federations of housing co-ops.

Planning Aid for London
Independent planning charity providing free or affordable town planning advice to individuals and groups.

National Association of Local Councils (NALC)
Represents 9.000 local councils in England. A provider of support to communities and neighbourhoods in planning, with CPRE.

Open City

Provider of education programmes and resources using architecture as a learning tool. Mainly focussed on London but approach relevant anywhere. Integrated with Engaging Places website:

Action for Market Towns (AMT)

National membership group that provides small towns, local authorities and others with information and advice, examples of best practice and national representation. Provides support on neighbourhood planning with publications, training and facilitation. 

National Housing Institute
Independent nonprofit UK organization dedicated to fostering decent, affordable housing and a vibrant community for everyone. Focuses attention and encourages action on progressive, high-impact housing and community-development policies and practices. Useful magazine Shelterforce.  

Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE)
Independent charity that shares knowledge and experience to help people change the way they think and act on energy. Runs PlanLoCal website (see Websites A-Z). Hires out physical model demonstrating low carbon community elements.  

Environmental Law Association (UK)
Registered charity providing legal advice and expertise on environmental issues, including planning. 

Allotments Regeneration Initiative (ARI)
Partnership project providing practical support to anyone involved in regenerating or creating allotments. All services free to not-for-profit organisations in the UK. Regeneration in action section of website has useful case studies. 

Carbon Trust
Provides specialist support to help business and public sectors boost business returns by cutting carbon emissions, saving energy and commercialising low carbon technologies.

Community Composting Network (CCN)
Supports and promotes community groups, social enterprises and individuals involved in producing compost from green and food waste for use in their local communities.

Community Resource Network (CRN)
National umbrella body for community-based, not-for- profit and co-operative waste management groups which work in reduction, re-use and recycling. Formed 20 years ago as a membership organisation to support pioneering community-owned recycling, re-use and waste minimisation schemes. Funded through a combination of membership fees, consultancy income and grants. See Websites AZ Complete Recycling News. 

Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens
Supports, represents and promotes community-managed farms and gardens across the UK.

British Youth Council
Umbrella organisation which supports its member organisations and network of local youth councils. Aims to empower young people aged 25 and under, wherever they are from, to have a say and be heard. Helps young people participate in decisions that affect their lives, campaign on issues they believe in and gain recognition for their positive contribution to their communities.

Capital Growth
Campaign which aims to create 2012 new community food growing spaces across London by the end of 2012. Provides  practical help, grants and training to groups wanting to establish community food growing projects and advice to landowners. 

Global children’s charity working with children in the world’s poorest countries to help them build a better future.

Princes Trust
Charity that believes in young people who often do not believe in themselves. Range of initiatives and support programmes.  

Sustainability and Environmental Education (SEEd)
Umbrella, membership organisation for Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), schools, colleges, universities, local authorities and educators interested in Environmental Education. Facilitates wide stakeholder engagement, promotes shared learning, builds capacity and cross sector partnerships.

The Sustainable Building Association (AECB)
Network of individuals and companies promoting sustainable building. Brings together builders, architects, designers, manufacturers, housing associations and local authorities, to develop, share and promote best practice in environmentally sustainable building.

UK Youth Parliament
Runun by young people for young people. Provides a unique platform that enables young people to use their energy and passion to change the world for the better.

United Kingdom Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP)
Multidisciplinary institute which helps organisations, sectors and governments adapt to the changing climate through practice based research, and by providing support and advice. Focuses on decision making for adaptation, exchanging knowledge and ideas, creative adaptation. Website includes case studies. 

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Advising Communities
Provides advice on the community sector. Arose out of the closure of Community Matters.

Revive and Thrive
UK organisation for everyone passionate about place focusing on high streets. Helps those working in “place” to share best practice and learn from what other places are doing while highlighting to them the quality solutions that are available across the board.

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