Community planning: Scenarios
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Disaster management
This scenario covers the building of a new housing development for a large number of people on low incomes.

Conventionally, large housing developments are undertaken by governments or private developers. In both cases architects and contractors are appointed who mostly design and construct homes without knowing who they are for. As a result the new housing is frequently bland, wasteful and unsuited to the occupants. Occasionally it even has to be demolished because nobody will live in it.

In the scenario shown here, the future occupants are identified in advance. They may be owner-occupiers or tenants. They form themselves into an association or housing cooperative, appoint their own architects and work through the design and construction process together.

In this way people get the customised housing they want and develop a sense of community even before they have moved in. The experience of working together enables people to go on to develop other projects such as education, employment and social facilities.
Hesketh Street, Liverppol, UK, 1984, Architects' Journal,

A large new affordable housing development is built with the future occupants involved from the outset.
Timescale assumes rapid approvals and efficient main contractor.
timeline and activities neighbourhood planning office

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Last updated on: 10 August 2008