Community planning: Policy & Law: Italy

  • overview
  • national
  • regional
  • further information
  • Because of the tradition of strong independent regional government, policy and law varies from region to region.

  • Some regions have legislation requiring public participation for all new development whereas in other regions there is no policy at all.

  • Urban centres - generally similar to architecture centres but managed by the state - play an important role in promoting citizen involvement in planning.

  • Note: Many of the websites linked to from these pages are in Italian although some have sections in English.

Some links to website information on regionally important policy, interesting projects and urban centres. Regions listed alphabetically. Information on any regions not mentioned would be welcome.

Emilia Romagna Regional Policy: Interesting Projects: Urban Centres: Links:
Alto Adige
Regional Policy: Urban Centres:
Veneto Urban Centres:

Strategic cities’ network:
National association of about forty Italian cities. Principle aim: advance strategic planning as an instrument to support urban development and facilitate coordinated and integrated programming that draws new institutional relationships between local and National governments. Privileged observer about Italian policies for local development and is an entity recognized in the national debate and local level, in the scientific world and the world of training.

Urban Centres website:
Observatory of Italian urban policy. Main mission: facilitate the construction of urban policies on the utilization of genuinely shared playing proactive role of subjects with various interests.

Thanks: Compiled by Graziana Bonvicini, University of Pisa while undertaking an Erasmus placement with, Autumn 2009.

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Last updated on:2 December 2009