Community planning: Special features
Special features
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From the John F C Turner Archive

An important selection of free downloadable papers and articles by and about John Turner's pioneering and influential work on housing in development.
John Turner
Neighbourhood Planning UK

A guide to the community-led Neighbourhood Plans introduced by the UK Government’s Localism Act 2011
Neighbourhood Plans
Low Carbon Communities

A guide to the actions that communities in England can take to move towards sustainable Low Carbon Communities.
Low Carbon
European APaNGO project findings and recommendations

One of the first European Union action research projects on community participation in planning and development.
UN-HABITAT good governance toolkits study

An important international study on the value of toolkits for improving urban governance.
toolkit cover
making planning work
Making Planning Work

An important book, initially prepared for the United Nations World Urban Forum III and the World Planning Congress in Vancouver in June 2006.
Housing UK

Toolkit on community involvement in UK housing.
Guide and content on good practice in housing in the UK. Funded by Communities and Local Government

This section of the website is being reviewed in the light of the Coalition government's proposed changes to housing and planning policy. Some of it remains relevant but everything should be double checked.
new housing development

If you would like to suggest a new Special Feature or amendments to existing entries please submit information below:

The site editor will contact you to let you know whether the material can be used, what further information is needed and if payment is required (see Site funding policy).
This page is sponsored by
Nick Wates Associates.

small is beautiful

Last updated on: 19 January 2012