Community Planning: Case studies: 009
Caterham Barracks Village

New sustainable community
New sustainable community
Caterham-on-the-Hill, Surrey, UK
Caterham-on-the-Hill, Surrey, UK
Project leader:
Linden Homes with John Thompson & Partners
Linden Homes with John Thompson & Partners
An impressive example of a private developer using consensus-led masterplanning to create a new sustainable community. Over 1,000 local people were involved in an initial vision-building planning weekend held on the site, a former army barracks with many historic buildings. The completed scheme is an economically-integrated, mixed -use neighbourhood that includes housing (366 homes for sale and for rent), supermarket, offices, veterinary hospital, doctors surgery, indoor skateboard and BMX centre, landscaping and open space. A new community development trust manages leisure and business facilities and creates jobs for local people.
The Process
key to colour coding
Intense community planning activity Events, workshops, meetings, open house events, exhibitions. |
Moderate community planning activity Surveys, consultation periods. |
Low level community planning activity Preparation, revising documents, survey analysis, design work |
Key points in community planning process Formation of organizations or partnerships, launch of initiatives, project completion. |
Other relevant events and activities Local election, local plan adoption, tendering. |
Nothing much happening Waiting, breathing spaces |
Site purchase
- Locally based developer Linden Homes South-East Limited acquires a former army barracks site from the Ministry of Defence.
Mar Community planning Weekend
Mar Community planning Weekend
5-day event held on the site
- Public sessions on the site attended by over 1,000 people
- Topic-based workshops on physical, social, economic and environmental issues.
- Hands-on Planning workshops with participants contributing design ideas
- The Way Forward Workshop – debate on how momentum can be harnessed to take process forward. Agenda for first Community Steering Group meeting drawn up.
Days 1 & 2 (Friday/Saturday)
Days 3 & 4 (Sunday/Monday)
- Results of Friday and Saturday summarized and evaluated by the Planning Weekend professional team. Proposals for Masterplan developed.
Day 5 (Tuesday)
- Report Back to Public meeting by professional team.
Event report
- Report of Community Planning Weekend produced including a Vision for
the future of Caterham Barracks and recommendations on how to make it happen.
Jun Continued community and stakeholder consultation
Jun Continued community and stakeholder consultation
- ‘Local Group’ (set up by the Council in 1995 as a Forum for discussion about the site) increases membership with a view to commenting fully on the planning applications. Working groups formed:
- sports & leisure;
- young people;
- townscape & heritage;
- arts, culture and performance;
- environment;
- employment & enterprise;
- community management organisation.
- 50 meetings held involving over 100 local people.
- Exhibition of proposals held on site and in other local venues
- Numerous meetings between project team, Tandridge District Council and other statutory bodies
- Caterham Pumas football team formed by local parents
Planning application
- submitted to local planning authority by developer
Local support
- Local Group makes recommendations to the Council in support of the planning application
Nov Dec
Temporary uses and developer's site office
- Over 85% of existing buildings in northern half of site let on short term leases (3 yrs) resulting in 28 businesses in occupation and over 160 people employed. Linden Homes moves its own offices on site.
Planning approva
- Scheme granted planning permission by local authority subject to a ‘106 Agreement’ specifying community benefits. (Technically this was for a revised application with reduced size supermarket; consent was granted for the full sized supermarket in January 2000, on appeal.)
Community Development Trust
- Caterham Barracks Community Trust set up to manage community uses. Buildings and land leased from Linden Homes (see Special features).
Skate park opens
- 'Skaterham' - a skate park for young people - moves into converted Chapel run by Community Development Trust.
Completion of new housing
- Locally based developer Linden Homes South-East Limited buys 16 hectares of land at a former army barracks site from the Ministry of Defence. Much of the site is a conservation area due to the quality of the Victorian barracks buildings. There is also a substantial amount of land potentially available for new housing development.
- An urban design brief commissioned by Tandridge District Council specifies retention of most of the existing buildings with 50% for community and 50% for commercial use.
- Local residents initially oppose any redevelopment of the site, fearing bland suburban housing. A 'Local Group' is formed by the Council to act as a forum for discussion on the site's future. This comprises officers and members of the Council and representatives of various community and other groups.
- Linden Homes declares it is committed to the promotion of a financially viable, high-quality development on the site; responsive to local needs and sensitive to the site's history and proximity to the Green Belt. John Thompson & Partners, an experienced community planning and architecture practice, is appointed by Linden Homes as masterplanners. Together with the local community, they set out to create a scheme which would be financially viable at the same time as providing the community facilities and services needed for a sustainable place.
Outcomes - Successes
- Redundant Caterham Barracks turned into an enjoyable place to live and work embedded within an active community.
- Consensus-led approach helped residents understand that demands for community facilities were only financially achievable and sustainable with a higher density of new housing than they initially wanted. This led to considerable changes to the original development brief: a higher number of mixed-tenure housing units enabled the developer to fund a variety of additional facilities for the local community. The development value of the site was increased by £50 million and community benefits of £2.5 million created.
- Balanced community created by providing a mix of housing tenure and prices. Of the 366 new homes, 28% (102) are affordable units provided by The Guinness Trust, and distributed within each phase of the development alongside those for private sale. Responding to local need, over 70% are 2 and 3 bedrooms properties and 24 units are sheltered. 60 homes are provided from the conversion of the original buildings, the remainder are new build.
- Sustainability of community enhanced by including a wide range of facilities on site including: - Tesco supermarket (2,500 sq m -1,800 net) - Veterinary hospital (1,068 sq m) - Nursing home (with 58 beds) - Health and fitness club - Children's nursery - Play area - Offices - Live/work units (as part of housing provision) - Doctor's surgery - Skatepark in converted chapel - Cricket pitch and refurbished pavilion - Junior football pitches
- Responsive, sustainable management body established. A new Community Development Trust manages leisure and business facilities on the site and uses its assets to create jobs for local people.
- Several awards received (see special features)
Parties involved
John Thompson & Partners
Community Planning, Masterplanning and Architecture
Linden Homes | (acquired 2007 by Galliford Try)
Developer |
The Guinness Trust
Developer of affordable homes for rent
Tandridge District Council
Local planning authority
Caterham Barracks Community Trust
Management of leisure and business facilities
Contract value £60 million
The developers contributed over £3 million under the Section 106 agreement which included the gift of a number of existing buildings to the Caterham Barracks Community Trust with refurbishment funds.
Community Development Trust
The Caterham Barracks Community Trust was established to manage the community facilities. It has 11 Trustees, including a resident trustee and an employer trustee. The Trust took over management of buildings and open spaces for community use.
Building for Life Gold Standard Award 2005
The Deputy Prime Minister's Award for Sustainable Communities 2003 Finalist
The European Urban and Regional Planning Awards 2002 Conversion (Joint Winner)
The Royal Town Planning Institute National Awards for Planning Achievement 2000: Award for Planning for the Whole Community
British Urban Regeneration Association Community Award 2000: Caterham Barracks Community Trust
photo gallery

Aerial photograph of the site development. The red line indicates the boundary of land owned by Linden Homes.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
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Community Planning Weekend
Reporting back the results of a topic workshop to a plenary session.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
Reporting back the results of a topic workshop to a plenary session.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
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Community Planning Weekend
Post it brainstorming session in a workshop focusing on the Environment
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
Post it brainstorming session in a workshop focusing on the Environment
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
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Community Planning Weekend
Workshops taking place simultaneously in adjacent rooms.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
Workshops taking place simultaneously in adjacent rooms.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
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Community Planning Weekend
Hands on planning workshop
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
Hands on planning workshop
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
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Promoting the opportunity and the process
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
Promoting the opportunity and the process
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
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New facilities
Skateboard ramp in a converted chapel.
Copyright Phil Starling
Skateboard ramp in a converted chapel.
Copyright Phil Starling
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New facilities
Skateboard ramp in a converted chapel.
Copyright Phil Starling
Skateboard ramp in a converted chapel.
Copyright Phil Starling
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Completed development
New town houses overlooking a cricket pitch, 2008.
Copyright Benedict Luxmoore
New town houses overlooking a cricket pitch, 2008.
Copyright Benedict Luxmoore
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Completed development
Mixed tenure houses overlooking the Green. Building on right is for single persons, central building is family rented, buildings in background are private, 2008
Copyright Benedict Luxmoore
Mixed tenure houses overlooking the Green. Building on right is for single persons, central building is family rented, buildings in background are private, 2008
Copyright Benedict Luxmoore
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Completed development
Converted barracks building and new boulevard. 2008
Copyright Benedict Luxmoore
Converted barracks building and new boulevard. 2008
Copyright Benedict Luxmoore
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The process and end product. Photos in date order

Aerial photograph of the site development. The red line indicates the boundary of land owned by Linden Homes.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
Aerial photograph of the site development. The red line indicates the boundary of land owned by Linden Homes.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners

Community Planning Weekend
Reporting back the results of a topic workshop to a plenary session.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
Reporting back the results of a topic workshop to a plenary session.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners

Community Planning Weekend
Post it brainstorming session in a workshop focusing on the Environment.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
Post it brainstorming session in a workshop focusing on the Environment.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners

Community Planning Weekend
Workshops taking place at the same time in adjacent rooms.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
Workshops taking place at the same time in adjacent rooms.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners

Community planning weekend
Hands on planning workshop
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
Hands on planning workshop
Copyright John Thompson & Partners

New facilities
Skateboard ramp in a converted chapel.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
Skateboard ramp in a converted chapel.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners

The Vision
Aerial drawing showing how the new scheme will relate, July 2002.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners
Aerial drawing showing how the new scheme will relate, July 2002.
Copyright John Thompson & Partners

Completed development
New town houses overlooking a cricket pitch, 2008.
Copyright Benedict Luxmoore
New town houses overlooking a cricket pitch, 2008.
Copyright Benedict Luxmoore

Completed development
Mixed tenure houses overlooking the Green, 2008
Copyright Benedict Luxmoore
Mixed tenure houses overlooking the Green, 2008
Copyright Benedict Luxmoore

Completed development
Converted barracks building and new boulevard. 2008
Copyright Benedict Luxmoore
Converted barracks building and new boulevard. 2008
Copyright Benedict Luxmoore
Documents available in date order. Please click on the image or information below it to download and display pdfs
"This is a unique event in a unique place. The Barracks have a special place in the hearts of the people of Caterham."
Participant at the community planning weekend, 1998.
"It's not just about bricks and mortar; it's about people's lives, building a community that gets on well together."
Participant at the community planning weekend, 1998.
'The Village at Caterham demonstrates how a consensus-led approach can deliver substantial rewards for all stakeholders and help create a new sustainable community.' John Thompson & Partners, 2007
John Thompson & Partners
Wren House
43 Hatton Garden
London EC1N 8 EL
+44 (0) 207 405 1211
Caterham Barracks Community Trust