Community Planning: Case studies: 006

community planning weekend

Open house exhibition
Discussing ideas with the architects
© Nick Wates 2005
Site development brief and developer selection
East Greenwich, London, UK
Project leader:
English Partnerships

Comprehensive and creative consultation approach to preparing a development brief and selecting a developer for an urban site of strategic local importance. Illustrates how early and ongoing engagement can draw positively on community knowledge to inform and influence the design and how community engagement can be a central and integral part of the whole design and procurement process.


The Process

key to colour coding
Intense community planning activity
Events, workshops, meetings, open house events, exhibitions.
Moderate community planning activity
Surveys, consultation periods.
Low level community planning activity
Preparation, revising documents, survey analysis, design work
Key points in community planning process
Formation of organizations or partnerships, launch of initiatives, project completion.
Other relevant events and activities
Local election, local plan adoption, tendering.
Nothing much happening
Waiting, breathing spaces

2004 Dec Site aquisition
    English Partnerships acquires site from health authority
2005 Jan/
Preparitory Work
  • Identification of key stakeholders and initial discussions
  • Consultation on demolition
  • Appointment of design team
  • Preparation of draft proposals for a development brief including initial masterplanning for the site
Nov Collaborative Design
  1. Open House Exhibition - evening event open to all, 7 November. Presentations on draft proposals followed by viewing of an exhibition where participants could indicate their views on draft proposals using post-it notes, sticky dot voting and printed and electronic questionnaires.

  2. Design Workshop – daytime event for invited key stakeholders, 9 November. Presentations on draft proposals followed by two series of working group sessions on key themes followed by report backs.

  3. Consultation Feedback session - evening event open to all, 14 November.Exhibition and presentations on results of two events above and next steps followed by general discussion.
Dec Newsletter
    To all who attended November events and residents mailing list including reports from the working groups and the updated plans.
2006 Jan
Feb Developer selection started

    Competition launched through the Official Journal of the European Union
Mar Statutory consultee workshop
    Morning workshop on environmental issues with key statutory consultees, including representative from Greenwich Council, the Environment Agency and the Greater London Authority to establish their expectations for the development and to avoid conflict later in the planning process.
Development brief finalized
Jun Newsletter

To all who attended previous events and to residents’ mailing list. Building on interest generated by the demolition, this invited local people to the Developers Forum, explaining what the event was about and how it would be run.

Final stages of Demolition

Many local people, as well as representatives from English Partnerships and Greenwich Council, watch the final demolition of the 200ft boiler house chimney.

Jul Developers forum
    Three shortlisted developers make presentations to a public meeting followed by an open forum.
Sep Letters, emails and posters
    To all who attended previous events plus to residents’ mailing list. Inviting all local people to view a public exhibition of the three shortlisted developers’ proposals. Posters displayed in key shops and community facilities to encourage attendance.
Oct Public Exhibition
  • A chance for local people to see and give feedback on the proposals of the three shortlisted developers, including plans, sketches and scale models. Attended by over 150 people.
  • Unstaffed display of the proposals also placed in the Forum@Greenwich - a key community facility. Feedback collected and collated.
Nov Newsletter
    To all who attended previous events plus to residents’ mailing list. Providing feedback from the public exhibition
2009 Mar Estimated build completion


  • Greenwich District hospital occupied a 3-hectare site at a strategic junction between the historic West Greenwich and the contemporary development on Greenwich Peninsula.

  • The concrete panel building became obsolete and the site was bought by English Partnerships with the intention of demolishing the building and securing the redevelopment of the site for mixed uses.

  • Greenwich Council, the local authority, was keen to relocate a number of public service facilities to the site.

  • The site is well located on a key crossroads in East Greenwich but, dominated by the hospital, had become divorced from the surrounding urban context and the local community. The project aimed to re-integrate this large piece of land back into the urban fabric and form a new heart for the community.

  • Project title ‘Heart of East Greenwich’ adopted to emphasise the site’s importance to the area.

  • As a new community focal point for the area the engagement of the local population was seen as essential for the long-term success of the development. Two distinct local communities were identified: East Greenwich – mixed community with very strong community focus around the Forum@Greenwich which provide a wide range of community facilities; West Greenwich  - significant numbers of interested groups and individuals from background of planning, surveying and architecture.

  • A new community facility including a leisure centre, library, health centre and council offices will form a key focus for the development. Alongside this will be private and affordable homes, including homes for key workers, and a small number of retail facilities.


Outcomes - Successes
  • Widespread agreement on a development brief for a mixed use scheme: residential units, retail/commercial, new leisure & health centres, new council offices and library.

  • Inclusion of local suggestions and ideas on both detailed design and strategy.

  • Prospect of rapid planning application process for the site developers.

  • Continued interest and engagement from the local community, including detailed written feedback from 80 people following the public exhibition (October 2006).
  • Widespread positive comments about at least one of the development proposals at the public exhibition. Very little across-the-board negativity.

Outcomes - Shortcomings
  • Not enough prior warning of when the collaborative design events were going to be held or of the types of interaction that people could engage in.  Feedback suggests that people would have liked to have known more in advance about the structure of the events and the contribution they could make. (This was rectified for later events.)

  • Young children were unable to attend the public exhibition due to its evening timing.


Parties involved

English Partnerships

Rick Mather Architects
Masterplan Architects

Greenwich Council
Local authority

Nick Wates Associates
Consultation consultants

Biodiversity by Design
Ecology consultants

Mouchel Parkman
Transport consultants

Energy and water consultants

Waste and materials consultants

Jones Lang Lasalle
Valuation consultants

Bucknall Austin
Cost consultants

Consultants for value and marketability of affordable housing

Funding and resources

Funding for preparing a Development Brief, including consultation, provided by English Partnerships.


The budget for the community consultation was held within the overall masterplanning budget and is therefore difficult to establish as a separate figure.


Special feature

photo gallery

Greenwich hospital
Open house exhibition
Contributing with Post-it note comments and sticky dot voting

Greenwich hospital site01.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005

close panel


Greenwich hospital02
Open house exhibition
Participants setting out their own ideas

Greenwich hospital site02.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005

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Greenwich hospital04
Open house exhibition
Completing an electronic feedback form

Greenwich hospital site04.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005

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Greenwich hospital06
Open house exhibition
Debating the architects' draft proposals

Greenwich hospital site 05.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005

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Greenwich hospital07
Open house exhibition
Voting on the key issues

Greenwich hospital site06.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005

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Greenwich hospital08
Design workshop
Presentaton by the architects

Greenwich hospital site07.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005

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Greenwich hospital08
Design workshop
Quality townscape group in action

Greenwich hospital site08.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005

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Greenwich hospital08
Design workshop
Listening to the debate during a plenary session

Greenwich hospital site09.jpg
© Express Photo Services 2005

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Greenwich hospital08
Design workshop
Public realm group deliberates

Greenwich hospital site10.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005

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Greenwich hospital12
Design workshop
Preparing a presentation on the group's conclusions

Greenwich hospital site11.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005

close panel


Greenwich hospital13
Design workshop
Presenting ideas from a working group to a plenary session

Greenwich hospital site12.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005

close panel


Greenwich hospital13
Open house exhibition
Discussing draft masterplan ideas

Greenwich hospital site13.jpg
© Express Photo Services 2005

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Greenwich hospital site - collaborative design
Open House exhibition on 7 November 2005 and design workshop on 9 November 2005 at the Dome hospitality suite, Greenwich peninsular, London.

Open house exhibition
Contributing with Post-it note comments and sticky dot voting

Greenwich hospital site01.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005


Open house exhibition
Participants setting out their own ideas

Greenwich hospital site02.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005


Open house exhibition
Completing an electronic feedback form

Greenwich hospital site04.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005


Open house exhibition
Debating the architects' draft proposals

Greenwich hospital site05.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005


Open house exhibition
Voting on the key issues

Greenwich hospital site06.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005


Design workshop
Presentaton by the architects

Greenwich hospital site07.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005


Design workshop
Quality townscape group in action

Greenwich hospital site08.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005


Design workshop
Listening to the debate during a plenary session

Greenwich hospital site09.jpg
© Express Photo Services 2005


Design workshop
Public realm group deliberates

Greenwich hospital site10.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005


Design workshop
Preparing a presentation on the group's conclusions

Greenwich hospital site11.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005


Design workshop
Presenting ideas from a working group to a plenary session

Greenwich hospital site12.jpg
© Nick Wates 2005


Open house exhibition
Discussing draft masterplan ideas

Greenwich hospital site13.jpg
© Express Photo Services 2005





Documents available in date order. Please click on the image or information below it to download and display pdfs


download pdf
2 pages A4 237 KB
East Greenwich Regeneration News, English Partnerships

Summer 2005

download pdf
2 pages A4 162 KB
East Greenwich Regeneration News, English Partnerships

Autumn 2005

download pdf
4 pages A4 246 KB
East Greenwich Regeneration News, English Partnerships

November 2005

download pdf
111 pages A4 20.9 MB
The Heart of East Greenwich, Development Framework Stage 1 Brief: English Partnerships

February 2006

download pdf
1 page A4 308 KB
Stage 2 Brief documents, English Partnerships - Contents

June 2006

download pdf
57 pages A4 1.5MB
Stage 2 Brief documents, English Partnerships - Preface

June 2006

download pdf
7 pages A4 812 KB
Stage 2 Brief documents, English Partnerships - 1. The competition

June 2006

download pdf
11 pages A4 3.8 MB
Stage 2 Brief documents, English Partnerships - 2. Development context

June 2006

download pdf
7 pages A4 492.KB
Stage 2 Brief documents, English Partnerships -3. Mandatory standards

June 2006

download pdf
20 pages A4 836.KB
Stage 2 Brief documents, English Partnerships - 4. Design Parameters

June 2006

download pdf
105 pages A4 17.2 MB
Stage 2 Brief documents, English Partnerships - 5. Illustrative Masterplan

June 2006

download pdf
11 pages A4 1.2 MB
Stage 2 Brief documents, English Partnerships - 6. Community Consultation Executive Summary

June 2006

download pdf
2 pages A4 288 KB
East Greenwich Regeneration News, English Partnerships

Summer 2006

download pdf
2 pages A4 252 KB
East Greenwich Regeneration News, English Partnerships

Autumn 2006
The following Appendices are not included for download here but may be available from English Partnerships (see Contacts):
  • Biodiversity policy review
  • Community Consultation Report
  • Green marketing strategy
  • Mandatory standards checklist
  • Services information
  • Sustainable standards technical brief



"Very informative and interesting. Came in feeling cynical, left feeling positive and enthused."

"It was excellent - I’m very glad that people’s ideas and concerns are being taken seriously.  Consultation events are usually tokenistic. This one felt REAL - well done!."

" Enjoyed it immensely."

" From experience of other design workshops that I have been involved in, I thought today’s event was very successful in having a wide range of participants and I was especially heartened to see such a good representation of the local community. The key to the success of the development of the Greenwich District Hospital site … is, or will be, getting those residents most directly affected by the proposals, as well as the retailers in the immediate area, on side as early as possible throughout the process."
Written comments from participants in the Collaborative Design events, Community Consultation Event Record, para 4.4





Philip Dibsdale

English Partnerships
10th Floor, 2 Exchange Tower
Harbour Exchange Square
London E14 9GS

Tel: 020 7531 2491
Fax: 020 7531 2401

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Last updated on:22 August 2008