Community Planning: Toolbox

A selection of useful checklists. Download as pdfs or as editable Word documents.

Community plan content

A checklist of items that might be considered in a community plan or master plan. Customise and structure your own list. Download pdf | Download editable Word document
Equipment and supplies
An overall checklist of items which may be helpful for those planning activities in compiling their own lists. Checklists for some specific methods are provided on the methods pages. Download pdf | Download editable Word document
Initiatives needed

A checklist of general policy initiatives that may help make community planning more effective. Customise to suit your country, place and circumstances. Download pdf | Download editable Word document
Neighbourhood skills survey
A checklist of skills for finding out what talent exists in a community. Use it to compile your own survey form. Illustrate it if you want. Then distribute it round the neighbourhood or, better still, knock on doors and help people fill it in. Download pdf | Download editable Word document
Who to involve

A checklist of people and organisations who might need to be involved in any community planning initiative. Customise your own list. Download pdf | Download editable Word document

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Last updated on:18 March 2009