Community planning: Neighbourhood planning UK
Localism Act
Plans and Policy


Some key web pages with further information on the development of the new neighbourhood planning system in England and support available.

Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) - Community led planning
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Resource for community led planning based on experience from rural communities in the UK.


Action for Market Towns - Neighbourhood Planning from Action for Market Towns
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Promotes community-based neighbourhood planning in market towns, including the attempt to maintain traditional retail in the face of supermarket expansion.


Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) - Planning help
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One of the four agencies delivering the UK government’s Supporting Communities and Neighbourhoods in Planning programme.

Eden Project

Eden Project - How to plan your own neighbourhood
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A former partner in the government supported Building Community Consortium promoting community-based neighbourhood planning, particularly in South-West England.

Forum for Neighbourhood Planning

Forum for neighbourhood planning
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Supports people and communities using new powers under the Localism Act 2011 to create neighbourhood plans. Contains forums on a range of topics and links to resources. Managed by Planning Aid England, Royal Town Planning Institute.

The Glass House

The Glass-House Community Led Design - Building Community Consortium
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A former partner in the Building Community Consortium which specializes in community-led design and neighbourhood planning.


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12 video interviews on localism perspectives. Set up by communications consultancy PPS.


Locality - Building Community
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The lead partner in the Building Community Consortium which was formed in April 2011 from a merger between
the Development Trusts Association (DTA) and the British Association of Settlements and Social Action Centres (BASSAC).

Community Knowledge Hub

Neighbourhood Planning online community
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Space to discuss, share and learn about neighbourhood planning. Posts, events, resources, news. Managed by Locality.

Design Council

Neighbourhood Planning Toolkits & Guidance
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Listing of resources on neighbourhood planning compiled by the UKs Design Council based on information collected by a LinkedIn group.


Planning Advisory Service
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Helps local authorities provide better quality planning services. Website useful for all those involved in planning, especially neigbourhood planning.

Planning Aid

Planning Aid England
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Provides free independent and professional planning advice to communities and individuals who cannot afford to pay professional fees. Partly funded by UK government’s Supporting Communities and Neighbourhoods in Planning programme.

Prince's Foundation

The Prince’s Foundation - Planning a brighter future for your neighbourhood
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One of the four organizations delivering the UK government’s Supporting Communities and Neighbourhoods in Planning programme.


This page partly funded by the Department for Communities and
Local Government, 2011.


Nick Wates Associates

Last updated on:12 November 2012