Community planning: Scenarios
  • description
  • scenario timeline
Disaster management
This scenario applies where industrial buildings become redundant, particularly if they have heritage value or could be used for other purposes.

Typically, as industrial buildings cease to be used, they will be left empty and become derelict. The area where they are situated becomes increasingly run down, and other businesses and landowners suffer. Unless an initiative is taken the buildings will eventually fall down or there will be little option but to demolish them and start again from scratch.

Industrial areas often contain fine, sturdy structures which contribute to local character. Often they are ideally suited for conversion for other purposes. The difficulty is in making a sufficiently bold transformation of an area to change its image, attract new uses and persuade landowners and others to invest.

In this scenario, a partnership is established between the main parties, and an academic institution plays a key role in raising the profile of the area, assembling expertise and helping organise an action planning event to firm up a strategy agreed by all.
Wakefield, UK, 1997, Nick Wates.

An academic institution helps a local authority regenerate a run-down industrial area in a variety of ownerships.
timeline and activities
Thanks: John Worthington

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Last updated on: 10 August 2008