Community Planning: Methods
  • description
  • uses
  • more detail
The internet has changed the way we do almost everything and community planning is no exception. The power of the web is helping people get more actively involved in improving their own communities in a great many ways.

The internet allows people to engage from the comfort of their own homes or offices at times convenient for them.

People are mostly free to remain anonymous if they wish but do not have to do so.

Websites provide a cost effective way of providing access to data and archives. This is particularly useful for planning which is frequently a long and complex process.

It is still early days and new and innovative ways of engaging people using the internet are constantly being developed.

Some tools have been developed on the internet specifically for community planning. But there is also huge scope for using tools developed for other purposes to make community planning more efficient and effective.
NWA composite of websites mentioned in more detail in the next tab.
useful examples

Some of the internet pages useful for community planning
There were over 15 billion freely accessible pages on the internet in 2011.

Thanks: David Barrie and Slider Studio for research and advice.
This page funded by the Building Community Consortium.

Last updated on: 31 Augustl 2011