- description
- more detail
A Fund is established by a professional institute or other suitable local, regional or national organisation. Sponsors might include companies, local authorities, government departments or charities.
The scheme is advertised and community groups invited to apply for funding.
Grants are awarded and feasibility studies undertaken. The study will establish whether the ideas are workable, the best options and the costs.
If projects succeed in attracting capital funding, the grant money is repaid to the organising body.

Advertising feasibility funding
- Grants need not be large to be effective. Depending on the nature of the project, US$1,500 - 5,000 is usually enough to enable a group to produce a highly professional study. The Fund can offer the total amount or a proportion.
- Money is not the only benefit. The award of a grant can also be a tremendous boost to community organisations, providing confidence and credibility.
- Award schemes are a good way of generating case study material for exchanging good practice.
- An initial tranche of funding is required to establish the fund and operate it for a few years. Once up and running, quite a high proportion may eventually be paid back.
Please read the Fund Guidelines before completing.
Name of organisation ..................................................................
Legal status (community group, charity, etc)
Contact details Do you have a constitution? (if so attach copy)
Brief description of organisation and activities
How is the community involved in the
organisation ..................................................................................
How many people are involved?
Employed Management committee Voluntary
Other (specify) ............................................................................
Project title ...................................................................................
Description of project ...................................................................
Why do you want to undertake the project?
Who will benefit from the project? ................................................
What will the feasibility study cover?
How much will the study cost?$ / £ .................................................
Who will do it? (name and contact details)
Other possible sources of income for the study
Please submit a photo of the building or site and a
copy of your latest annual report and accounts.

Good feasibility studies are one of the most effective ingredients for getting projects to happen.
- Community centres
New build, or improvements. In urban and rural areas. - Community plans
Plans for a site or neighbourhood, perhaps as alternatives to those existing. - Education facilities
Schools, creches, heritage centres, art centres. - Employment initiatives
Creating workspace or improved facilities. - Housing
Renovations or improvements on estates, self build schemes, new housing for rent. - Landscaping
Improvements to public areas: play areas, parks, streetscape, city farms, artworks. - Leisure facilities
Sports halls, youth clubs, cultural centres.
"A helping hand at the initial stage has been to us what the first steps are to a child, and today we are walking tall."
"The Fund satisfies a growing demand for communities to get involved and have a say in generating something for themselves."
A feasibility fund run by the Royal Institute of British Architects triggered US$160 million for 150 projects over 12 years from an outlay of less than $2.4 million.