Community planning: Scenarios
Community centre
- description
- scenario timeline

The conventional approach would be for a local authority to commission architects to plan and design a building which is then managed by that authority. All too often such facilities are inappropriate and uneconomic. Sometimes they are rejected by the local communities they are intended for. Occasionally they are even vandalised and destroyed.
In the scenario shown here, the need for the building is established by the community. Planning and design are then coordinated by a special project group which involves everyone interested at key stages.
The end result is a facility which has been shaped by members of the community to suit their needs and is then looked after by the people who use it.
Lostwithiel, Cornwall, UK, 1985, CAG, RIBA.
Lostwithiel, Cornwall, UK, 1985, CAG, RIBA.
A community needs a new social centre, sports facility, school, health centre or village hall.