Community planning: Scenarios
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Disaster management
A whole settlement strategy creates a vision for a village, town or city as a whole and sets out ways to achieve it: How does the place work? What is good about it? What is bad? What needs changing? How can we plan for a sustainable future?

A conventional approach would be for a local authority to engage town planning or development consultants to produce a plan which would then be put out to consultation, modified and adopted.

This scenario shows one way in which community participation can be incorporated into the development of such a strategy from the outset. This is a requirement set by the United Nations in its 'Agenda 21'. It also improves the likelihood that the strategy will be approved of and implemented. Whole settlement strategies can form the basis for more detailed Community Plans.
Krakow, Poland, 1996, Nick Wates.

A local authority initiates a strategy to improve a town¹s sustainability, involving local people and service providers in its creation.
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Last updated on: 12 August 2008