Community planning: Scenarios
Inner city regeneration
- description
- scenario timeline

Starting by tenants gaining control of the management of their housing, a series of initiatives are taken as local people and their advisors become increasingly confident and competent in managing the regeneration process and forming partnerships. These include an improvement programme for existing housing estates, new housing development on infill sites, landscaping of open spaces, community arts and youth projects and, finally, the development of a community masterplan for attracting the private sector to invest in new housing, leisure and commercial projects, so leading to the creation of a balanced and sustainable community or 'urban village'.
Children's drawing, Nishikawa, Tetsuya, Tokyo, Japan.
Children's drawing, Nishikawa, Tetsuya, Tokyo, Japan.
Rejuvenation of a deprived inner city area dominated by blocks of local authority flats and lacking amenities.

Thanks: Dick Watson