Community planning: Scenarios
Local plan production
- description
- scenario timeline

This scenario is designed to put communities in the driving seat of local planning by setting out ways in which they might do the visionary thinking and provide the local knowledge and ideas that more bureaucratic processes fail to deliver. The way of working between communities and government becomes one of dialogue and creativity rather than one of isolation and reaction often leading to frustration or even hostility.
The scenario is based on experience in England of producing Local Development Frameworks.
Note: The timescales shown in the scenario timeline are ideal but perhaps over optimistic. In practice, the time taken to prepare local development frameworks is dependent on the planning authority's resources and political priorities and may vary enormously. (In England, the ‘Local Development Scheme’ (LDS) on a local authority’s website will provide details of the timings for different stages in your local plan.)
Consultation in town centre shopping arcade on Local Development Framework, Hastings, UK, 2008, Nick Wates
Consultation in town centre shopping arcade on Local Development Framework, Hastings, UK, 2008, Nick Wates
Getting involved in producing a spatial plan for a local area (sometimes known as a Local Development Framework as it is used by the planning authority for development control).