Community planning: Scenarios
Freight delivery
- description
- scenario timeline

Recognising the highly specialist nature of this kind of planning and the limited amount of public interest, the scenario shown here assumes that the process is driven by a technical team either within a local authority or engaged as consultants.
The technical team identify and work with a surpising number of stakeholder groups. Key stakeholders might include local authorities, local and national highway authorities, ports, rail and aviation authorities, road haulage bodies, the local transport forum if there is one and local regeneration & business partnerships. Other stakeholders might include representatives of local businesses, managers of industrial estates, representatives of delivery and haulage companies, supermarkets and other freight receivers and generators, environmental bodies, community representatives, town and parish councillors, passenger transport providers.
The general public only becomes involved when a provisional scheme has been developed and agreed by the stakeholders.
Developing a strategy for the delivery of freight in an urban or rural area

Thanks: Devised by Sarah Speirs, WSP.
© Milena Marega, Sarah Speirs and Nick Wates. Created as part of a Civitas Elan training programme, 2011