Community planning: Scenarios
Community-led plan
- description
- scenario timeline

The scenario outlined here is a step-by-step process that enables all citizens to participate in, and contribute to, improving their local area. It is dependent on initiation and leadership by committed local volunteers but works best if carried out in partnership with local authorities and other key stakeholders.
There are nine steps in four main phases of what is sometimes known as the LEAD process: Launch; Evidence; Agree; Deliver.
It will be up to each community to decide how best to undertake each step and how long to take over it. The 18-month timescale indicated on the scenario timeline is fairly tight and most community-led plans will take longer as people assume responsibilities, get used to work with each other and learn a variety of new tasks.
The process becomes cyclical, being repeated every few years as necessary.
Note: This scenario is based on a process that has been undertaken by over 4,000 communities across England. It has been developed, and promoted, by two umbrella organisations, Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) and Action for Market Towns (AMT).
Source for diagram: ACRE
Source for diagram: ACRE
Producing a parish, local action, community or neighbourhood plan from the bottom up.

Funded by the Building Community Consortium.