Community planning: Scenarios
New neighbourhood
- description
- scenario timeline

Mostly with such developments, it is left to the private sector to come up with proposals, or else consultants might be invited to prepare a masterplan for consideration by the authorities. In both cases, the crucial design conception stage tends to take place without engaging local people or a sufficiently broad range of expertise. When consultation does finally take place, it is too late for all but minor changes to be incorporated.
In the scenario shown, initial proposals are developed, at relatively little cost, by a task force of experts and students from a wide range of disciplines and backgrounds, in close consultation with local interested parties. These are then refined through further local input and drawn up in detail by a professional team.
The organisers are likely to be an urban design consultancy, architecture centre or urban design studio at a school of architecture or planning.
Model of Krakow, Poland, 1996, Nick Wates.
Model of Krakow, Poland, 1996, Nick Wates.
Devising proposals for a new neighbourhood by involving a task force of experts and students working closely with local interested parties. Timescale assumes co-operative landowner.
