Community planning: Scenarios
Congestion charging
- description
- scenario timeline

The scenario shown here emphasises the importance of identifying who will be affected and working with them in a variety of different ways to mitigate any adverse impacts.
A relatively leisurely process is envisaged to allow time for people to reflect on, and prepare for, the changes in behaviour required and for feedback to be processed and incorporated in revised proposals as the scheme evolves.
The scenario assumes that the process is instigated by politicians and managed by a technical team guided by a steering group.
There are four broad phases of engagement:
- Initial consultation to identify affected parties and understand their viewpoints;
- Informal consultation on specific options;
- Formal consultation on proposed scheme;
- Ongoing monitoring and fine tuning.
An initiative to set up a system for charging motorists for driving into the city centre at peak times.

Thanks: Devised by Sarah Speirs, WSP.
© Milena Marega, Sarah Speirs and Nick Wates. Created as part of a Civitas Elan training programme, 2011